Thursday, January 17, 2008

Second Verse, Same as the First

Well mostly, anyway. My only child is in Iraq again, second time in two and half years. His deployment is slated for 15 months. Don't think I'm bitching and moaning, though. He has no regrets, no complaints about deploying again, so why should I? He's a professional soldier. All I can really say about this deployment is, I can't say anything much about it! Well, what he does, anyway. Most of you reading this are friends and family, so you know the deal. For those who didn't hear the news, he started 2008 as a new sergeant. I am so friggin' proud I can't stand it. Twenty-one years old, and he's acheived so much. Hard to believe I had to threaten grounding to get him to mow the lawn or finish a math paper.

The downside to this deployment is I hardly get to hear from him. I've had one phone call in 4- 1/2 months. But I do get a few sentences every few days via email, mostly in the vein of "I'm fine, I'm busy, love you guys!". But that's okay - last deployment we had the big base with all the perks. This time it's our turn for a primitive FOB (forward operating base) in the boonies. No complaints.

My wonderful pals from the Killfile Bar & Grill internet group have stepped up yet again and donated all kinds of goodies and money for me to send care packages to Josh's platoon. I've known most of these folks a good decade, thanks to a Usenet NASCAR group we met on back in the day. They're from all over the country, from all ages, all walks of life, all political leanings. I'm the only one with a child in the war, but they make sure I am never alone. I love 'em all.

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